Become a Sponsor.

  • Sponsor a community

    Transform a community with a gift of $25,000 or more. Have direct input into the direction and focus of the project. Fund projects such as building infrastructure, installing clean water systems, and constructing school dormitories for a cluster of schools to help a community thrive. The well-being of a community is a driving force behind the success of its schools.

  • Sponsor a school

    Transform a school with a gift of $10,000 or more. Projects may include building classrooms, improving facilities, installing clean water systems, providing desks, etc. Have direct input into the direction and focus of the project.

  • Sponsor a class.

    Sponsor a class

    Fund a classroom with a gift of $2,500 or more and give a cohort a brighter future. Projects may include providing desks, writing materials, sports equipment, sanitary materials, etc.

  • Sponsor a garden

    Fund a garden with $1,000 or more and give hundreds of children the gift of nutrition. We promote self-sufficiency by expecting the communities where we operate to contribute to their own success. Planting and maintaining a community garden of fruits and vegetables is one way to supplement the school lunch programs that WWB provides.